Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Solid Waste Characterization Study
Solid Waste Characterization Study
XCG conducted a Solid Waste Characterization Study (the study) for the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN) between 2022 and 2023. The purpose of the study was to determine the composition of solid waste sub-regionally and more specifically to identify the types and quantities of materials that are available for diversion and local recycling in the Bulkley-Nechako region of British Columbia. The study included four, one-week long waste audits in July 2022, November 2022, January 2023, and May 2023 where XCG staff collected, sorted, and weighed waste for nine mixed residential and commercial collection areas and two construction and demolition waste (C&D) sources. XCG completed a Solid Waste Characterization Study Report which included the overall solid waste composition of the landfill stream and the solid waste composition of each mixed residential and commercial collection area and C&D source.
Based on the 2022/23 Solid Waste Characterization Study results, the landfill stream was contaminated with 20% organics, 11% Curbside Printed and Paper Packaging (CPPP) Recyclables, 7% Depot Printed and Paper Packaging (DPPP) and 17% Other Stewardship Material (e.g. household hazardous waste, tires, wood, metal and electronic waste). Thus, even though organics, curbside recyclables, depot recyclables and other stewardship materials are currently separate streams, 55% more material can still be diverted from the landfill stream through curbside programs or drop off at recycling depots.
Recycling Feedstock Inventory Analysis
XCG conducted a Recycling Feedstock Inventory Analysis (RFI Analysis) for the RDBN in 2023. XCG used data from the 2022/23 Solid Waste Characterization Study Report and RecycleBC to assess the RDBN-generated feedstock quality and quantity for use towards the production of marketable products through commercially viable recycling or waste processing facilities within the RDBN boundaries. The analysis included research on business constraints including diversion rate of waste, population, and quantity of feedstock material.